20 Mar

Companies hold different types of corporate events to enhance their brand image, improve their team building, attract new customers, retain current clients or give their workforce a break from hectic work schedule.

There are other reasons for arranging events such as to give appreciation to your team and celebrate some success in achieving a remarkable landmark. The list can go on!

The Middle East is culturally diversified with a majority of the population of one of its cities consists of foreigners. More than 70% foreigners are residing in Dubai, Abu Dhabi is also hosting the dominant number of expatriates because of the strategic location of UAE. Therefore, events companies in Abu Dhabi and Dubai are also increasing in number.

Technology is replacing many traditional systems such as the introduction of email swept out the postal industry, but few activities and trends have their unique appeal and effectiveness which cannot be replaced by technology such as event organization.

Everything comes with pros and cons, same is the case with technology. The overuse of smartphones, tablets and laptops have diminished the charm it offers, and at the same time, people turn to the retired conventional systems for a change.

This psychological advantage can be observed by a fact that receiving a postal letter gets more attention than receiving an email, regardless of the content and message. Same is the case with events, no matter on how many web portals you are promoting your business, but event organization has its distinct charm and appeal.

Most Effective and Common Types of Corporate Events

types of corporate events

Below are the seven most common types of corporate events everyone business owner should consider.

Business Dinners

Business Dinners

Business Dinners can be organized to give your workforce a refresher break or to introduce your new clients to your team, build a strong relationship between your team or for any reason you think is important for your organization. This will also improve the productivity of your employees but also make them believe that their organization value them. Business Dinners can help us serve in many profitable ways.

Network Events

network events

Such types of corporate events serve a broader prospect by hosting the employees and the clients at a single platform. You can arrange lunch, dinner or any refreshment for them. Clients become satisfied by interacting with your employees in a friendly manner, and they can effectively convey their objective. Similarly, employees can easily understand the needs of the client and work on their requirements. Network events bridge the gap between the clients and your employees which results in a productive outcome for both the parties.

Product Launching Party

product launch event

It is a good marketing strategy where you can invite your potential clients and brief them about your new products and services. You can create a buzz about your new product and result in success. There is no better way to launch your product than to display it in front of prospective clients and give them a “test drive”.

Holiday Parties

holiday parties

Every national celebrates their relevant public holidays. Employees and the employer remain disconnected during the holiday which gives them a strong impression that they have no relation other than the work. There is no better way to improve your bonding and make your employees more productive than to arrange a holiday party.

Employee Appreciation Party

employee appreciation event

Employees always find it great if they are appreciated by their bosses, and these considered to be the most effective types of corporate events that increases employee’s morale and productivity. It is a good practice if you organize an event every time your team achieves a target or performs exceptionally. Whenever you approach any of the Events companies in Abu Dhabi, ask them for more novel ideas of event organization.

Client Appreciation Gathering

client appreciation gathering

Clients are the most important part of every business, and all the marketing budget and efforts are served to attract more clients and to retain the current ones. You can celebrate an event for a year-long business relation as a token of acknowledgement of their trust in your services. This will increase the credibility of your business make them stick to you for a longer period.



Whether you are participating in an exhibition or organizing it, it is a never-miss opportunity. The good thing about participating in such types of corporate events is that you can meet your competitors and potential clients at the same venue.  This gives you a good idea of the services offered by your competitors and the needs of the clients. To receive more attention, you can also become a sponsor of the exhibition.

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